2014년 2월 13일 목요일

Anton Chekhov "The Student" Reading Journal

For those who are eager to unveil and accept profound philosophy implied within literature, ‘Student’ is truly a masterpiece. What is attractive about Anton Chekhov’s ‘The Student’ is that it has generated countless literary controversies despite its little quantity of the story. This fact shows that Anton Chekhov’s ‘Student’ managed to express various profound philosophy and literary technique that are worth discussing in a very concise manner, proving that it is indeed a perfect short story.     

However, for readers who have no knowledge in Anton Chekhov’s styles or in realism, the short story ‘Student’ may appear rather dull and meaningless. In fact, when I first read ‘The Student’, I thought the main purpose of the story was to cause ennui, just like Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’. Nevertheless, I soon found out that I was wrong. In fact, I could gradually sense that the story is more complex than I originally thought after repeatedly reading it. I began to slowly sense that there could be an interesting twist in the protagonist’s seemingly optimistic and in-depth perception of the world. Furthermore, tears that Vasilisa shed and distorted face expression of Lukerya after Ivan told them the story about the Twelve Gospels seemed to suggest certain link between the two widows and Peter that Ivan failed to notice correctly. Overall, my perception towards ‘The Student’ is that it is the story that gradually transforms into an intriguing riddle as readers delve deeper into it.

Regardless of the fact that ‘The Student’ is a short story, it has been surrounded by various literary controversies, since the work itself is like a ‘riddle’. One of the notable aspects that are still currently under debate is the overall tone of the story. While there have been numerous controversies over whether the story is pessimistic or optimistic, I believe that ‘The Student’ is a pessimistic story. In fact, the story completely turns into a pessimistic story when epiphany of Ivan is interpreted as a hasty, incorrect realization. For instance, how can readers be sure that Vasilisa shed her tears because “her whole being was interested in what was passing in Peter’s soul”? What if she showed such behavior as an expression of guilt or sadness evoked by unpleasant memory of the past? For example, Vasilisa may have cried because Peter reminded her of watching her daughter being beaten by her husband. If she really did, Ivan would be a careless student who brought pain hidden deep inside other’s heart to the surface without realizing himself that he just made innocent people fall into agony. Then, Ivan’s epiphany would be groundless, since his realization is based on his misconception. Therefore, Ivan becomes a protagonist who made a hasty conclusion about perception towards the world while not realizing that he is unable to spot hidden truths behind what he sees. In this context, the story becomes pessimistic by portraying the protagonist who deluded himself.

Based on the interpretation that ‘The Student’ is a pessimistic story, Anton Chekhov may have warned readers to be humble in the course of learning. It is important to note that Ivan’s age is only 22, the age too young for one to attain correct perceptions towards the world. However, regardless of his young age and lack of life experience, Ivan believes himself that he attained important verity of the world by simply talking to the two widows, a set of mind that can be conceived as arrogant. Incapable of realizing veiled truth of the world due to incorrect perception he hastily established, Ivan may not be able to further improve. In other words, Anton Chekhov may have attempted to deliver the message “do not live like Ivan.”

Overall, ‘The Student’ was a great surprise for me, since it broke my prejudice that the story has to be long if it aims to generate diverse literary controversies and contain profound philosophy. In fact, though it took me less than 30 minutes to read ‘The Student’, I found out that deep, scholarly approach to “The Student” exceeds my academic ability. I would like to give applaud to Anton Chekhov for his supreme talents in writing such a concise yet profound story.