2013년 7월 2일 화요일

Baskin Robbins or shit-flavored ice cream?

Ever since I knew the existence of ice cream, Baskin Robbins has been my best friend. Its 31 flavors of ice cream have always enticed my tongue, and I used to feel ecstasy when I felt a soft, cool bunch of ice cream rolling into my tongue during a hot, dry summer time. Among the mighty 31 flavors of Baskin Robbins ice cream, I loved  'Shooting star' ice cream the most, since I loved the way it pops like popcorn inside my mouth. However, a video about 'shit-flavored' ice cream that I watched during Junior writing class changed my perspective towards Baskin Robbin's fantastic ice cream.
 'Shit-flavored' ice cream? If someone tries to shove such ice cream into my mouth and tries to violate the beauty of my tongue, I am ready to fight until death. However, despite my great antipathy towards the taste itself, 'shit-flavored' ice cream is definitely a creative idea. Today's ice cream mostly tastes like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. Different types of berries or ingredient are often added, but the product is mostly another different combination of typical ingredients. In other words, ice cream today NEEDS CHANGE. Let's take a look at Baskin Robbin's 31 flavors. There are various types of ice cream with splendid names, such as 'My mom is an alien', but most of them are combinations of cherry, vanilla, chocolate, and cookies. They definitely taste great, but don't consumers also deserve something novel? I don't believe that 'shit-flavored' ice cream would taste better than my favorite 'Shooting star', but the former one is a type of unprecedented attempt in the ice cream industry! Setting the flavor aside, there should be more novel attempts in the ice cream industry, since consumers are only accustomed to limited variety of flavors. 'Shit-flavored' ice cream may be a failure of new attempts, but who knows? Such attempts may create ice cream that outweighs previous types of ice cream!
 Because the ice cream industry is also another aggregation of businesses that seek profits, risky attempts or trials can be difficult to be made. However, ice cream companies have to consider the possibility of targeting the 'Blue Ocean' and following financial profits it would beget. I would not urge Baskin Robbins to produce 'shit-flavored' ice cream, but I sincerely want a unprecedented flavor that will serve as a great breakthrough in the history of ice cream.

댓글 1개:

  1. I think you were giggling as you wrote the S-word, and I know you aren't serious about this. I'm fairly certain that the ice cream chefs are well aware of the limits nature has placed on the human tongue. They are aware that it either has to be sweet, sour, or salty - or some combination of all three - and they can't work with much outside of fruit, nuts, or grains that achieve these variables. Kimchee flavored ice cream. You make it, you eat it, and you tell me how it is. Deal?
