2013년 11월 24일 일요일

Ode to God of Tetris

#Something you should know before you read: 'God of Tetris' is a title that you achieve when you reach the maximum level in a Facebook game 'Tetris Battle'. 

Dear ‘God of Tetris’
     It has been nearly 2 years since I started my grand Tetris journey to reach you. My courage and hope once crashed to the ground when I could not find an end to unremitting challenges from opponents. My resolution often wobbled when people jeered at my recklessness. They simply could not accept the idea that such an untalented man like me would someday stand next to you and shine the world of Tetris. My keyboard became weather-beaten and stared at me as if it was no longer able to accompany me on my adventure. But I continued to carry on. I closed my ears to worthless snorts that may weaken my resolve. I have relentlessly pursued your trace despite unremittingly accumulating assignments and teachers’ acrid accusations. I have persevered countless rank-downs and defeats. I have persuaded myself that there would be an end to this harsh journey whenever my fingers and spirits swayed. I have overcome my fear and continued to challenge more competitive opponents to reach you.
     But my dear, I have to confess that I once decided to abandon you. It was not because my patience reached its limit. It was not because my keyboard could no longer sustain my fingers. It was not because of my heavy work load. It was because of you. The moment I heard the news that you fled to rank 110, my heart was pierced by ineffable disappointment, misery, and sorrow. Furthermore, I was afraid to stand beneath the sky, for I thought it would crack into pieces and collapse upon me. I was afraid to breathe, for the air I once jovially breathed in became too bitter. I was afraid to meet people, for I may unconsciously express my extreme anguish on those who are innocent. I could not believe the reality I was facing. I felt your scent becoming thicker, I felt your effulgence becoming brighter, and I felt your splendor becoming more intense as my rank continued to soar up. But they were all suddenly gone. Your scent, effulgence, splendor, everything. All gone. What you left were 10 more ranks to go up with 50 stars required to achieve each rank after rank 101. I thought you refused my love. I thought you refused to love me. Thus, with great pang in my heart, I left you.
     After I left you, I dragged my mouse cursor to find someone that would fill my heart again with excitement, someone who is worthy enough to set out a long journey to be with. I thought I could easily find someone like you. But my thought proved to be wrong. I attempted to pour all my enthusiasm and passion into Ninja Battle or Cart Rider to forget you, but I never could. Every night I closed my eyes for sleep, I saw colorful Tetris blocks falling gracefully to produce powerful combos.  I guess could never push you into the pit of oblivion no matter how much I desired to do so. Then one night, in my dream, you appeared in front of me out of nowhere. You looked splendid and grand as you always had been, but you had sadness and disappointment in your eyes. Then, I had sudden epiphany that important thing was to love rather than to be loved, just as what W. Somerset Maugham stated. The important thing was to love you rather than to be loved by you. I should have felt happy for being able to love you and invest all my efforts and passion to reach you. After I had that sudden realization, I decided to restart my grand Tetris journey again.

     My rank is now 109, and I have only 16 stars left to grab your hands. I can feel your growing presence, and I can feel my growing affection towards you as I step closer to your effulgence. The momentous day of union between you and me is not so far away. Wait for me, my dear ‘God of Tetris’, and do not run away ever again. 

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